Kenshi best weapon type
Kenshi best weapon type

kenshi best weapon type kenshi best weapon type

Do Market Reset Resets the timer in the market so new random items can be generated. You must have at least 1 for this to work (else it is not even stored). gold, just for any of the special goodies. Gold hit ESC to bring up your Character sheet and the Gold on the bottom will be set to this minimum. XP Gain Mod scales the amount of XP you get (not just combat, any XP that you are awarded) Encounter Gold Mod scales the amount of gold you get at the end of an encounter. Enemy Damage Mod scales the damage your enemies do onto your units. Player Damage Mod scales the damage your units do onto your enemies. One Hit Kill same stuff as max health, just sets the enemy units' health to 1 so they are easy to kill. Max Mana same stuff as max health, just for your units' mana.

kenshi best weapon type kenshi best weapon type

Max Health sort of a God Mode to keep your unit's health at max, at long as they don't die in a single hit. Seems some effects are unaffected, I do not care. Combat Speed Mod scales the speed of all combat unit movement/action. I have not tested it excessively, chances are good it will impact scripted combat such as the tutorial at least. Force Auto Win enabling this will force enabling the Conquer button so you can win any combat with auto-resolve. Dungeon Move Speed Mod scales the move speed of your heroine. Min Skill Points keeps your skill points at a minimum on the screen you can spend them. World Move Speed Mod scales the move speed of your heroine. The table contains a single script with quite a bit of stuff so I have grouped the settings into different groups. I am using v1.0.1, chances are good it won't work with a newer release because some signatures are not unique. Made this for fun and to fill some requests here.

Kenshi best weapon type